(i) Call (01202) 302659 or email admin@theoldschoolhouseboscombe.org.uk to check the dates required are available.
(ii) A booking form must be completed for each period of use, and sent to the address / email indicated.
(iii) If a completed booking form is not received within 14 days of a provisional or telephoned reservation, we will reserve the right to cancel and re-book the accommodation/facilities.
(i) An invoice for the total amount will be issued at the end of the month in which the date of the event occurs, except in the instance of online bookings which are payable in advance.
(ii) For bookings invoiced and not paid online, any balance will be due by 30 days from the date of the invoice
(iii) Any loss or damage to the accommodation/facilities occurring during the period of hire must be reimbursed to Bournemouth 2026 Trust.
In the event of a reservation having been confirmed in writing and then cancelled, a minimum of £10 or 10% (whichever is the greater) administration charge will apply except,
Assembly Hall - Cancellations received less than seven working days prior to the date of room hire: 100% of hire charge
Private Meeting Room - Cancellations received less than two working days prior to the date of room hire: 100% of hire charge
(i) Fire Safety instructions and floor plans will be placed in the meeting room, please draw these to the attention of your delegates. You are required to keep a log of any persons attending the premises for your event in case of emergency.
(ii) The client will be responsible for any additional costs incurred by Bournemouth 2026 Trust as a result of any negligent or wilful damage caused to the accommodation/facilities during the period of hire.
(iii) Networked ICT equipment is available for hire. For details about bandwidth and capacity, please ask staff.
(iv) Food and drink may only be consumed inside the booked space and not be consumed outside the room.
(v) Delegates’ own equipment and belongings are not covered by Bournemouth 2026 Trust’s insurance.
(vi) All individuals and groups hiring facilities should ensure they have appropriate public liability insurance for the activities undertaken. If music is being played it is the music user’s responsibility to ensure they have the correct licences in place before using any copyright material.
(vii) The Meeting Rooms may not be used for open public meetings which have a political or religious purpose, or for local or national campaigning without special permission from the Chair of Bournemouth 2026 Trust.